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I have been working on understanding how our brain processes information not captured by our consciousness, and how such information in turn prompts behavior. How does our brain select information and present it consciously to us? What happens to the unselected unconscious information? I am using psychophysics, eye tracking, EEG, fMRI, etc. to tackle these questions.


I am an Assistant Professor at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. Prior to this position, I worked as a postdoc with Dr. Shinsuke Shimojo at Caltech and Dr. Xianghong Arakaki at the Huntington Medical Research Institutes. I got my PhD under the supervision of Dr. Po-Jang (Brown) Hsieh at Duke-NUS Medical School.


If you read Mandarin Chinese, I have recently started blogging on Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, and some Philosophy of Mind: my blog.

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