email: smhung [at] aoni.waseda.jp
Feng, Y. -J., Hung, S. -M., & Hsieh, P. -J. Decoding dynamic faces and objects without awareness under dis-continuous flash suppression. (2025). Communications Biology, 8, 151. LINK.​​
Hung, S. -M., Wu, D. -A., Hsieh, P. -J., & Shimojo, S. Implicit semantics gates visual awareness. (2024). Consciousness and Cognition, 125, 103771. LINK.
Kucyi, A., Anderson, N., Bounyarith, T., Braun, D., Shareef-Trudeau, L., Treves, I., Braga, R. M., Hsieh, P. -J., & Hung, S. -M. (2024). Individual variability in neural representations of mind-wandering. Network Neuroscience, 8(3), 808–836. LINK.
Hung, S. -M., Adams, S. W., Molloy, C., Wu, D. A., Shimojo, S., & Arakaki, X. (2024) Practice makes imperfect: stronger implicit interference with practice in individuals at high risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. GeroScience, 46, 2777–2786. LINK. (Outstanding Publication Award Honorable Mention)
Hung, S. -M., Wu, D. -A., Hsieh, P. -J., & Shimojo, S. (2023). Extracting probability in the absence of visual awareness. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-11. LINK.
Hung, S. M., Wu, D. A., Shimojo, S., & Arakaki, X. (2022). Stronger implicit interference in cognitively healthy older participants with higher risk of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 14(1), e12340. LINK.
Feng, Y. -J., Hung, S. -M., & Hsieh, P. -J. (2022). Detecting spontaneous deception in the brain. Human Brain Mapping, 1–13. LINK.
Hung, S. M., & Hsieh, P. J. (2022). Mind wandering in sensory cortices. Neuroimage: Reports, 2(1), 100073. LINK.
Arakaki, X., Hung, S. M., Rochart, R., Fonteh, A. N., & Harrington, M. G. (2022). Alpha desynchronization during Stroop test unmasks cognitively healthy individuals with abnormal CSF Amyloid/Tau. Neurobiologyof Aging, 112, 87-101. PDF.
Arechavala, R. J., Liu A., Rochart, R., Kloner, R. A., Wu, -A., Hung, S. -M., Shimojo, S., Fonteh, A.N., Kleinman, M. T., Harrington, M. G., Arakaki, X. (2021) Task switching reveals abnormal brain-heartelectrophysiological signatures in cognitively healthy individuals with abnormal CSF amyloid/tau.International Journal of Psychophysiology, 170, 120-111. LINK.
Hung, S.-M., & Hsieh, P.-J. (2021). Subliminal temporal integration of linguistic information under discontinuous flash suppression. Journal of Vision, 21(5):27, 1–10. LINK.
Hung, S. -M., Wu, D. -A., & Shimojo, S. (2020). Task-induced attention guides and gates unconscioussemantic interference. Nature Communications, 11, 2088. LINK.
Hung, S. -M., Styles, S. J., & Hsieh, P. -J. (2017). Can a Word Sound Like a Shape Before You Have Seen It?Sound-Shape Mapping Prior to Conscious Awareness. Psychological Science, 28(3), 263-275. PDF sup
Hung, S. -M., Milea, D., Rukmini, A. V., Najjar, R. P., Tan, J. H., Viénot, F., Dubail, M., Tow, S. L. C., Aung, T.,Gooley, J. J., and Hsieh, P. -J. (2017). Cerebral neural correlates of differential melanopic photic stimulation in humans. NeuroImage, 146, 763–769. PDF sup
Hung, S. -M., Nieh C. -H., and Hsieh, P. -J. (2016). Unconscious processing of facial attractiveness: invisibleattractive faces orient visual attention. Scientific Reports, 6, 37117. LINK
Hung, S. M., & Hsieh, P. J. (2015). Syntactic processing in the absence of awareness and semantics. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(5), 1376-1384. PDF.
Chou, T. -L., Lee, S. -H., Hung, S. -M., Chen, H, -C. (2012). The role of inferior frontal gyrus in processingChinese classifiers. Neuropsychologia, 50, 1408-1415.
Manuscripts under review
Hung, S. -M., Wu, D. -A., Hsieh, P. -J., & Shimojo, S. (under review). Implicit semantics gates visual awareness. PsyArXiv.
Attention, Focus, and a High Risk of Alzheimer's
Caltech News. Nov. 2023.
Connecting the dots when we can’t see them: Unconscious learning of probability
Psychonomic Society Featured Content. Sep. 2023.
A Behavioral Test to Detect Early Risk of Alzheimer’s
Caltech News. Sep. 2022.
Words Can Sound “Round” or “Sharp” Without Us Realizing It
Association for Psychological Science. Feb. 2017.